I am pondering New Year's Resolutions. What will I try and do this upcoming year? First of all, I don't call them resolutions, I call them goals. Goals are easier to change than a RESOLUTION. Ekkkk, it even sounds daunting...
I know one "goal" I want to do this year. I really want to become better skilled at Photoshop. And once again, better with my blog. I also need to get focused with my art. This last year all my art was way too scattered and sparse.
That's it! I'm not putting too much pressure on myself.
All my resolutions/goals are fun ones!


Kim said…
a ha ha ha ha ha, i love that pic!
weren't those last year's goals? ha ha ha ha

this year i'm going to try not to use so many 'ha ha ha's and exclamation points in my typing.
Unknown said…
My sister and I just did a word this year. Mine was intuition ( as in I follow it this next year

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