The Ability To Appreciate My Own Joy

The Ability To Appreciate My Own Joy

Today I listened on my IPod, to Elizabeth Gilbert's new book called Big Magic.
I started the book at 7:45 and listened till 3:00, and the end of the book came about. 
It was wonderful and I highly recommend it. Elizabeth Gilbert is also the narrator. 
 It was perfect because I enjoyed her voice as well as the content. "The ability to appreciate my joy" is just one of the many comments that resonated within me. 

The photo above was taken this morning. You can see my ear buds ~ as I was inspired by her writings.
I have now read 3 of her books, Eat, Pray Love, The Signature of All Things, and Big Magic.
I give her double thumbs up. Big Magic is a self help, and 
I need help, 
especially in encouragement with continuing with my painting.

The angel above is part of 3 paintings. I will paint over it soon. I hate the idea of wasting a canvas and I got what I needed out of the painting. 
She looks like an alien. (grin) Serious here! It's alright to think it!
I was painting from a doll photo on Pinterest. Her eyes in the photo, 
were also exaggerated and I wanted to give it a try.

If I won't hang it on the walls of my own home, then I will most likely paint over it. 
Currently I have one (yes ONE) painting on the walls of my home. 

OK, OK, I know, 
I need to reread much of Big Magic.

It's ok!!! As the book says, we create because we need to.

"That's what I decided to do. I decided to just go make stuff."

Thank you Elizabeth, my new best friend.

Happy Sunday evening.


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