Rainy Sundays

Rainy Sundays

A beautiful rainy afternoon view from the upstairs studio.

I hate Sunday evenings. Sunday evening means tomorrow I have to go back to work and I'm NOT ready. I did, paint on Saturday and today. Yeay!!!! I put aside almost all the housework, with the exception of the absolute necessary stuff. Then I got down to the fun part of my weekend, journaling, sketching, watching movies, painting...

I'm working on the background of an new angel painting.

It's a rainy afternoon and I have a cup of coffee. 
My TV is turned to the 'Turner Classics' channel 
and I'm watching Betti Davis in 
"Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte".

I've started a new angel painting. I'm pretty happy with the background.  
I'm going to try and work on it during week, not just over the weekend. 
Best laid plans...
More later.


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