Pen and Ink Journal entry #28

My Grimoire, Pen and Ink Journal
etc, etc, etc...

I stopped posting for a while but I'm back!
This journal entry was part of the 
"Magic, Beliefs and Wonder"section and 
I'm already on page 220 and this is the
last chapter.

Crystals are a favorite of mine. 
My boys collected for years and 
I now have their collection as my own. 
"Stone Magic" has been around for over 10,000 years!
Beliefs in stones for luck and healing is something everyone is familiar with. Did you have a "birth stone" when you were a kid"? Mine is Emerald and I loved reading what it meant.

The writing in the journal was done in walnut ink and the crystals were done in acrylic paints with some watercolor. 

I first glued down two pages from an actual book then I 
sketched and painted the crystals.

Because they're painted on a printed book page, they have a more realistic look. The translucency in the crystal and the added colored shadows, added to the look.

This is part of the crystal section: pages 218-219
It's how I imagine my home, only due to allergies with my husband. son and best friends, I have to just pretend to have cats...
Hope you like this!


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