Journal 2

This was a journal project done a few years back.
It was in many ways, a form of therapy. 

I chose for this journal to work in deep reds. 
I found out later that in "art therapy" classes,  dark red is often an indication of depression.
Well go figure.

The journal was sent to 3 other artists to add their work to the pages.
The only restriction was they too, had to work in dark red.
It was a beautiful collaboration. 

This is probably one of my favorite stamps. It says
"Her art disturbed her"

I usually complete at least one journal a year.
This particular spiral binding I buy from 'Barnes and Noble'. 
I've worked in this type journal for at least 12 or 13 years.
It's ideal for me because it opens up to lay flat.
And the price has stayed the same.
Only $10.95 for 10 years!
i think it's gotten thinner though...
next post "Journal 3" continued...


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