Create anywhere

The "Art and Soul" convention was followed by a visit in Atlanta. While staying with my sister in her new apartment I was stunned to see how creative one can be, when the urge to create is as necessary as breathing.

These fishys were in a local store that specializes in salt water aquariums. Sister Rudi is fascinated by their colors and has been painting corals and fish. The picture above is the actual photo of the fish. The one below is one of her paintings.

This tiny room below was supposed to be the LAUNDRY room. She has converted it into her painting room.

Speaking of being creative, the photo below is lunch one afternoon on her balcony. She is much more creative than I am in that room called a kitchen. :)

5 grain baguette with Taboule salad, hummus, roasted veggies, spinach, unsalted garbanzo beans and feta cheese.
And wine.


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