Oh happy days!

I am so happy. December 19th, my company cut my hours from full time to part time. At first I was devastated. After all, I was the one who covered our family's health insurance. There was the temporary panic, which soon gave way to glee. Don't misunderstand. I love the company I work for. However, as soon as my husband cleared us to his insurance, I realized for the first time in my life I had real free time. I'm past the diapers, car pool and the tough teenage years. I'm not trying to climb the corporate ladder. My husband is content and doesn't enjoy spending a lot of time away from home. I've REALLY let go of obsessive house work. Suddenly I'm free to play!

It's not easy to play. Old habits die hard. Finding structured time to do my art can be frustrating. I often find my new days off filled with different demands. There are doctor appointments, Grizzly dog to the vet and new endless lists that need attention. But, I'm getting really good at finding time for me.

Tonight I sit on my couch after a 10 hour day at my "real" job. I'm enjoying teaching "customer service" classes to our employees. It was a good day.
I have a big smile on my face.
I know that I have the next 4 days off to work on my art, to do what I really want to do. :)



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