Latest crow

The latest crow…

Yesterday I painted this crow. I like him. I even signed my name.
Crows are cool. I want a t shirt that says that.
(I'm always designing my own t shirt line)
There are many spiritual ideas associated with the crow.
 I like "personal transformation and prophetic insight".

Lyania Vanzant, the motivational speaker was on Oprah's Own. She was talking about having a "vision", as in a goal. The following is a quote from her, (loosely)  remembered.  :)

'You NEED a vision. A vision will pull you forward.
If you don't have a vision, you will be stuck in what you know, what you've already seen. 
A vision that walks with you, sleeps with you, moves with you, 
a vision you can tap into ~ will PULL you forward.'

This is what art and the studio upstairs is to me. It's a vision. 
I love what she says. If you don't have a vision, you just continue doing what your doing.

 For me, it's small baby steps. It's a faded dream that I continue to brush off and breathe live into. 

I think I'm going to name the crow painting "Vision". 

Grizzly has a vision. I took this picture yesterday. I laid next to him and said
"kitty". He immediately said "WHERE?" This is his vision.
 Keeping a sharp eye out for trespassing kitty's.
Looking at this photo I realize I need to put on my makeup.


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